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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Ideological Implication in the Drum Dance of the Miao Nationality in Southeast Guizhou

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DOI: 10.25236/iwass.2020.011


Lixiang Tang

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Lixiang Tang


Southeast Guizhou Autonomous Prefecture is the largest inhabited area of Chinese Miao nationality in the world with bright folk culture and art on this land. Among several literary and artistic performances, dance comes first with its bold and cheerful rhythm as well as rich expressiveness. In the abundant Chinese Miao dance forest, the drum dance is the most unique form. The dance of each ethnic group carries the history and culture, contains the ideology and aesthetic orientation, and reflects the psychological characteristics of the ethnic group. The drum dance, which is closely related to the life of the Miao people in Southeast Guizhou, also reflects the ideas of the local people, the cultural implication and spiritual pursuit of the Miao people, and it consequently acts as a cultural window to explore the deep imprint of Chinese Miao people's soul.


Southeast Guizhou, Drum dance of the Miao nationality, Ideological implication