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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Discussion on the Measures of Cultivating Students' Impromptu Performance in College Music Piano Teaching

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DOI: 10.25236/acetl.2020.148


Guanci Wang

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Guanci Wang


Music is an extremely advanced art form, so students majoring in music should study carefully and constantly forge ahead, so as to achieve greater achievements and breakthroughs in their major. Piano is known as the king of musical instruments, has a very important position, so students studying music in universities need to study and develop in the future, more hard to improve their own piano playing ability, so as to become a better music learner. Teachers should also actively help students, so that students do not fear the hard work of playing the piano, in the process of performing the piano, can feel the splendor and brilliance of the music itself, and achieve a better self.


University Education, Music Learning, Improvisation, Ability Analysis, Measure Discussion