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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

A Review of the Studies on College English Teacher’s Professional Identity (CETPI) Development in Past Five Years in China

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DOI: 10.25236/acetl.2020.087


Guohua Duan, Yichang Liu

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Guohua Duan


This paper reviews the studies on College English Teacher’s professional identity (CETPI) development in the past five years in China with respect to research themes, methodology, and theoretical perspectives. There are three research themes: the relationships of CETPI with teacher’s self-efficacy, teacher’s subjective well-being, abroad study experience, etc.; factors and ways relevant to the construction or reconstruction of CETPI development; the current situation of CETPI development. It is revealed that more and more studies take mixed-methods (combined quantitative with qualitative approach) than earlier studies which merely take a qualitative approach. In terms of theoretical perspectives, most studies take a community of practice perspective, admitting a changeable, dynamic process with a view of binary opposition. Thus, theoretical perspectives should be enriched in later studies..


College English Teacher’s Professional Identity (CETPI), Methodology, Theoretical Perspectives, Influencing Factors