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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Research on Urban Vehicle Art Design and Development Based on Local Culture

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DOI: 10.25236/icallh.2018.08


Qing Wu, Ming Lei

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Qing Wu


This paper discusses the relationship between local culture and urban vehicle art design, and studies the development trend of urban vehicle art design. The aim is to discuss the significance of the localization of urban vehicle art design and explore the influence of the prosperity and development of local culture on vehicle art design. Based on the study of local culture characteristics and essence, the paper explores the ways to extract the elements of local culture into the vehicle art design. By applying the system in the local culture and art design combined with vehicle, the integration of local culture will add people to the vehicle's identity. It is beneficial to set up a domestic car brand. The combination of native culture and technology will drive the vehicle intelligent and promote diversity of the vehicle.


Local culture, Vehicle, Art design.