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A Study on the Correlation between Borrowing Professional Books and Achievements----A case of Landscape Students in Guangdong Ocean University

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DOI: 10.25236/issetc.2019.021


Xuelian Zhang, Caifeng Li, Yujuan Zhong, Chunhua Xia

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Chunhua Xia


Aiming at the problem that landscape students in Guangdong Ocean University are distressed by library professional books borrowing, this paper carries out an investigation and research on landscape students' professional books borrowing. Based on the data of landscape students' borrowing books in the library from 2008 to 2015, assistant with Excel, SPSS and other methods, from the total amount of students' borrowing, to the amount of professional and non-professional books borrowing, and then to the professional books, combined with the analysis of landscape professional training plan and students' defense scores, this paper deepened layer upon layer, from top to bottom, and finally draws the conclusion that there is a relationship between the borrowing of books for landscape specialty and students' achievement. The relationship provides a scientific guidance for library science and landscape students.


Professional books borrowed; student achievement; correlation; ratio