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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Analysis of Computer Graphic Image Design and Visual Communication Design

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DOI: 10.25236/ADMC.2019.030


Ying Yang

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Ying Yang


Computer is one of the core contents of the current science and technology field. The development of computer technology can be traced back to the 20th century. With computing as the core, the content of the image field has been developed. The calculation reduces the error in the drawing process, emphasizing The precision of the drawing. Since then, modern precision drawing has become one of the core contents of computer technology. It has gradually developed a series of contents such as computer graphic image design and visual communication design, which has strengthened the content of the current design field and also gave birth to visual communication design. Computer graphics and image design courses and other corresponding content. This article will start from the basic content of computer graphics and image design, and comprehensively develop computer graphic image design and visual communication design analysis.


Computer Graphics and Image Design; Visual Communication Design; Computer Technology Application