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Web of Proceedings - Francis Academic Press

Analysis of the rule of five-line X-ray image of cervical spine in patients with phlegm-dampness vertigo

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DOI: 10.25236/cmph.2019.015


Aijv Guo

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Aijv Guo


Through the analysis and analysis of the characteristics of cervical X-ray images in patients with phlegm-dampness vertigo, the cervical vertebral images of 40 patients with phlegm-dampness vertigo were analyzed by five X-ray imaging findings. Patients with vertigo have five points of X-ray findings in the cervical spine, which can provide clinicians with reliable diagnostic information. Therefore, the five-line X-ray manifestations of cervical spine in patients with phlegm-dampness type vertigo have certain regularity, which can help clinicians choose appropriate treatment methods and facilitate the rational use of medical resources.


X-ray; Neck push; Disease-resistant type; Vertigo